News For Kids

News For Kids by ICRT


News For Kids

カテゴリー: 教育


An Inside Look at Mascots Mascot: T-E-A-M! Goooooo team! Narrator: That's a mascot cheering at a baseball game. The mascot is the cute animal or the cool superhero dancing around. Mascots make fans loud and excited! 那個吉祥物正在為棒球比賽加油! 吉祥物可以是可愛的動物或是大英雄,他們會跳舞逗粉絲開心。 Being a mascot actor looks easy and fun. They dance, cheer, and do funny things. 當吉祥物的演員看起來很容易也很有趣。他們會跳舞、歡呼還會搞笑。 But the job can be hard. Mascot costumes are hot inside. During Taiwan's hot summer, the actors get very hot! 但這個工作很辛苦,吉祥物服裝裡面溫度很高,特別是台灣的夏天,演員會覺得非常熱! But the costumes are expensive! The actors can't make them dirty. So they wear pants, shirts with long sleeves, and gloves. 這些服裝很貴,演員不能弄髒,所以他們還會穿褲子、長袖跟手套。 Mascot: You can do it! You can do it! Go, go, go!!! T-E-A-M! Goooooo team! Narrator: The actors dance and cheer for thirty minutes. Then they need to rest and cool down … Mascot: Go team! Go team! Yeah! T-E-A-M! Goooooo team! Go team! Go team! Yeah! Narrator: … and then they dance and cheer again! 吉祥物演員會蹦蹦跳跳歡呼30分鐘,然後就得休息,涼快一下,再繼續賣力表演。 Mascots make sports games more fun. And happy fans buy lots of cups, baseball caps, and more… with the mascot on it! 吉祥物讓運動更有趣,粉絲就會買很多吉祥物的周邊的商品,像是杯子、棒球帽等等。 Mascot actors give fans a great time. They help the team make money too. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 吉祥物演員必須吃苦耐勞,還得讓觀眾高興! 1. game 比賽 The Tigers are having a game tonight! 老虎隊今晚要比賽! Where? 在哪裡? Taipei Dome.台北大巨蛋。 Great! I've never watched a baseball game there.太棒了,我沒有在那裏看過棒球賽。 2. shirt 襯衫 (開關抽屜聲音) What are you looking for? 你在找什麼? My T-shirt that says "Tigers." 我的圓領衫,上面寫著老虎隊。 I didn't know you're a true fan. 我不知道你是真正的粉絲。 3. expensive 昂貴的 But wait, let me check the tickets. 等等,讓我看一下票。 Oh no, only the most expensive ones are left. 糟糕,只剩下最貴的。 4. cheer 歡呼加油。 How much? 多少錢? $1,000 NT a piece.一千塊。 Woah! Let's cheer for them at home. 哇,我們在家裡替他們加油吧。 Yeah, with hotdogs and popcorn! 對,還要熱狗跟爆米花! Do you like baseball games? game比賽 shirt襯衫 expensive昂貴的 cheer歡呼加油 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. What do mascots do? a. Play sports b. Make people excited c. Spend lots of money 2. How long can the actors dance and cheer before they need to rest? a. About ten minutes b. About thirty minutes c. About an hour 3. What makes the job hard in the summer? a. Hot costumes b. Dirty costumes c. Cute costumes Answers: 1. b 2. b 3. a


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